24-hour TSP Monitoring Results
Station CM_FM1, Western Wholesale Food Market
Start Finish Weather Filter Weight (g) Elapsed Time Reading Sampling Time Flow Rate (m3/min) TSP Conc. Action Level Limit Level Observations / Remarks Sampler Filter
Date Time Date Time   Initial Final Initial Final (hrs) Initial Final Average  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)   ID ID
06-Jun-12 18:15 07-Jun-12 18:15 Sunny 2.7775 2.9098 4170.10 4194.10 24.00 1.1648 1.1648 1.1648 79 188.5 260 Drilling Western Wholesale Food Market 1066
12-Jun-12 15:30 13-Jun-12 15:30 Sunny 2.7419 2.8170 4197.10 4221.10 24.00 1.1367 1.1367 1.1367 46 188.5 260 Drilling Western Wholesale Food Market 1075
18-Jun-12 12:10 19-Jun-12 12:10 Cloudy 2.7228 2.7446 4224.10 4248.10 24.00 1.1378 1.1378 1.1378 13 188.5 260 Drilling Western Wholesale Food Market 1082
22-Jun-12 12:10 23-Jun-12 12:10 Fine 2.8103 2.8866 4232.25 4256.25 24.00 1.1646 1.1646 1.1646 45 188.5 260 Rock out and operate of excavator Western Wholesale Food Market 1089
28-Jun-12 12:10 29-Jun-12 12:10 Fine 2.8042 2.9203 4259.33 4283.33 24.00 1.1375 1.1375 1.1375 71 188.5 260 Operate of crane truck Western Wholesale Food Market 1096
Min.  13
Max.  79  
Average  51
Station CM_CB1a, The Arcade, Cyberport
Start Finish Weather Filter Weight (g) Elapsed Time Reading Sampling Time Flow Rate (m3/min) TSP Conc. Action Level Limit Level Observations / Remarks Sampler Filter
Date Time Date Time   Initial Final Initial Final (hrs) Initial Final Average  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)   ID ID
06-Jun-12 08:00 07-Jun-12 08:00 Sunny 2.7673 2.8240 4216.23 4240.23 24.00 1.1006 1.1006 1.1006 36 178.1 260 Rock out Arcade 1067
12-Jun-12 08:00 13-Jun-12 08:00 Sunny 2.7936 2.8655 4240.23 4264.23 24.00 1.0976 1.0976 1.0976 45 178.1 260 Rock out Arcade 1069
18-Jun-12 08:00 19-Jun-12 08:00 Cloudy 2.7769 2.8185 4264.23 4288.23 24.00 1.0996 1.0996 1.0996 26 178.1 260 Operation of gantry Arcade 1076
22-Jun-12 08:00 23-Jun-12 08:00 Cloudy 2.8043 2.8929 4288.23 4312.23 24.00 1.1003 1.1003 1.1003 56 178.1 260 Works in tunnel Arcade 1084
28-Jun-12 08:00 29-Jun-12 08:00 Fine 2.7701 2.8331 4312.24 4336.24 24.00 1.0993 1.0993 1.0993 40 178.1 260 Works in tunnel Arcade 1090
Min.  26
Max.  56
Average  41